Hendersonville, Tennessee


Looking 4 Eats 1st Quarter 2024 Magazine Publication

Media Partner Rate Sheet

Back Cover ……………………………………………………………..  3,700
Full Page Inside Back Cover (Left or Right) …………  2,800
1/2 Page Inside Back Cover (Left or Right) ………..  1,600
Full Page Inside Front Cover (Left or Right) ………..  3,500
1/2 Page Inside Front Cover (Left or Right) ………..  1,800
Standard Full Page ………………………………………………….  2,000
2/3 Page (On Page w/Publisher Content …………….  1,800
2/3 Page …………………………………………………………………..  1,700
1/2 Page (On Page w/Publisher Content) ……………  1,400
1/2 Page ……………………………………………………………………  1,200
1/3 Page (On Page w/Publisher Content) …………..  1,000
1/3 Page …………………………………………………………………….    900
1/4 Page (On Page with Publisher Content) ………..    750
1/4 Page ……………………………………………………………………    600
Business Card ……………………………………………………………    250

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Phone:  615-502-0051
Email:  looking4eats@gmail.com
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